Initial consultations last 1.5 hours
There will be an assessment of your presenting problems as well as an in-depth look at your Medical History, and Family Medical History using the Functional Medicine Model in order to discover the underlying cause of your health issues. After your appointment Nijen will provide you with a treatment plan that may include any Functional Medicine Testing that has been discussed/recommended during your consultation.
You may also receive dietary advice and any recommended lifestyle changes which will be emailed with a food plan and if appropriate recipes. Once you have booked your appointment you will receive a confirmation email as well as a simple questionnaire to complete and bring with you.
Please also bring:
List of all medications and supplements
A 3 day food diary that includes everything you eat and drink for 3 days
Any recent test results. These can be obtained from your GP Surgery. Please ask for a printed copy.
Follow up Consultations are for 45 minutes
Nijen will check on your progress and maybe look at certain aspects in greater detail, especially if you have many conditions that need treating simultaneously. Necessary changes will be made on the treatment plan accordingly.
Please also bring:
Any recent test results. These can be obtained from your GP Surgery. Please ask for a printed copy.
Follow up consultations are usually between 2-4 weeks from the first initial consultation, or longer if suggested.
Support between appointments
Due to a large amount of people to support, Nijen will give short answers to simple questions between appointments (within reason) for no extra charge. If there are more complex and time consuming issues to address between appointments then a charge will be made at the cost of £20 per 30 mins.