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Edinburgh Herbalist Privacy Notice


Edinburgh Herbalist Privacy Notice aims to comply with the new General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) legislation active since 25th May 2018. Edinburgh Herbalist is managed by Nijen Aksel and is located at 24 Rankin Avenue Edinburgh EH9 3DB. In order to recommend nutritional and herbal treatment programmes, Edinburgh Herbalist needs to gather and retain sensitive information about you and your health. This information will only be used to give advice and recommendations concerning aspects of your personal health and wellbeing. Basic contact details will also be taken during the consultation or via Edinburgh Herbalist website to enable Edinburgh Herbalist to contact you and handle bookings.

Lawful Basis for holding client data

As a full member of National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH), Edinburgh Herbalist abides by their Code of Ethics and Practice. The lawful basis under which Edinburgh Herbalist holds and uses this information is for legitimate interest (to provide the best possible healthcare services).

What information is held and how

According to NIMH Code of Ethics and Practice; Edinburgh Herbalist is required to keep accurate, comprehensive, easily understood and dated case notes recording:

  • the patient’s personal details (name, address, telephone number and date of birth);

  • the presenting complaint and symptoms reported by the patient;

  • relevant medical and family history (including the GP's name and address);

  • clinical findings;

  • laboratory findings if the patient agreed to have functional tests done by third party suppliers;

  • any treatment given and details of progress of the case including reviews of treatment planning;

  • any information and advice given;

  • any decisions made in conjunction with the patient concerning treatment ;

  • records of the patient's consent to treatment or the consent of their next-of-kin. The case notes and any communication serrated to case notes are kept in a locked cabinet and on password protected laptop/personal handheld device.

How long information is held for

The patient records are kept for a minimum of seven years. In the case of minors these records must be kept until the patient reaches at least the age of 25 (seven years after reaching 18). This applies even when Edinburgh Herbalist has referred a patient on, or if Edinburgh Herbalist has left the practice where the treatment was administered.

Protecting personal sensitive data

Edinburgh Herbalist is committed to ensure that your personal data is secure and to this end has put in place appropriate technical and physical procedures to safeguard and secure the information collected from the patient. Edinburgh Herbalist will contact you using the preferences you gave in relation to:

  • Appointment times

  • Treatment information or information related to your health

Your Rights

GDPR gives you the following rights

  • The right to be informed

  • The right to access

  • The right to rectification

  • The right to erasure

  • The right to restrict processing of personal data

  • The right to data portability

  • The right to object

  • Rights in relation to automated decision making and profiling

  • The right to lodge a complaint with the Information Commissionaires Office Full details of your rights can be found at guide-to-the-general-data- protection-regulation-gdpr/individual-rights.

If you wish to exercise any of these rights, please use the contact details given above.


If you are dissatisfied with the response you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office at

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